about us
Gardening is Our Passion!
Founded in June 1973, Bittersweet Garden Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization proudly affiliated with National Garden Clubs, Inc. and Federated Garden Clubs of Missouri, Inc.
We have 90 active members and five emeritus members. Our meetings take place on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Center for Soy Innovation, with occasional exceptions. Meetings generally have a 30-minute social time followed by a program and a business meeting.
"To cherish what remains of the earth and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope of survival." ~ Wendell Berry
Our Objectives
The objectives of Bitersweet Garden Club are: to study the basic art of gardening; to promote interest in and knowledge of horticulture, gardening and civic beautification; to encourage conservation of our natural resources; and to cooperate with other clubs and agencies, which have interest in horticulture and conservation.
2025 Bittersweet Garden Club Officers
Linda Oligschlaeger
Rita Esterly
Vice President of Programs
Cris West
Vice President of Activities
Alice Longfellow
Co-Vice President of Fundraising
Judy Schneider
Co-Vice President of Fundraising
Claire West
Nancy Kaiser